
Welkin Dusk - Born into a Dying World

after a less-than-impressive 4 track demo released about a year ago, WELKIN DUSK have tightened things up significantly with this self-produced and distributed full-length debut.

a self-proclaimed anarchist quartet hailing from the south side of Chicago, these kids play a heavily blackened brand of crust punk in the vein of LIFE IS HELL. lyrics range from sociopolitical commentary to the ever-relevant topic of hate for oneself (and all things), and suicide.

while i don't find that they fit in with the current trend in raw usbm, they do maintain the general feel of said style by having released this album on cassette and, intentionally or not, emphasizing the high-end of things both musically and vocally. additionally, WD doesn't go for the epic neocrust prologue, nor do they perform SKAGOS (or, as the name may imply, EMPEROR) worship. 7 songs in 24 minutes. hello *screams* goodbye.

the drumming is tight and the vocals are incredible shrieks and growls. my only complaint, really, is the guitar tone. it's this twangy fender sound that, on the beginning of the album's first track, "Buried Deep in My Hate"  sounds like a cool intro effect that would later blend into a nice, rich, metallic low-end with tons of gain (like MARTYRDÖD, for example). but nope, guitar stays really weird and dry. i suppose it makes the riffs more audible, but i just think these songs would hit harder - even on a cassette - with some more depth. i wanna wall-o-sounnnd.

back on the positive side, the drumming is fairly technical, and none of the songs have a tendency to repeat themselves; neither in pattern/structure, nor riff or lyrics. it's pretty "diverse", but definitely still sounds and feels like a whole release, not just 7 songs thrown onto one tape and called an LP. plus their lives shows are pretty killer. they sounded wayyy more dense and atmospheric on stage than they do on the release. but again, it's a solid effort and the song-writing is really what counts.

check 'em out on myspace, or their bandcamp (in the post's title).


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